Friday, October 30, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:16 AM
Mrs. Koehn brought in a few pumpkins to decorate our room for the party.  We started to realize that we had a lot of things we wondered about pumpkins!  Caleb suggested we make a chart, so we used the KWL chart to see what we already knew, what we wanted to learn and what we learned at the end!

To find information, we used a book about pumpkins.  It helped us to learn the answers to a lot of our questions, but we still wondered about how many seeds were inside.  We decided we should find out!

Mrs. Koehn cut the tops off and we did the rest!

We pulled out the seeds (and the pulp)...

...and pulled out seeds and pulp...

...and we each helped to count the seeds!

Some groups counted one by one...

...some groups made stacks.

Most everybody got in on the action!

Some didn't mind getting their hands gooey...

...others preferred to just deal with the seeds. 

It took a lot of patience to count all those seeds!

In the end, we figured out that we had 478 seeds in one pumpkin, 500 in another, 400 in one and 820 in the last one!  We worked together to figure out how we could add up such big numbers.  We even had to learn what the THOUSDANDS place was!!  (That's a lot of seeds!)

In the end, we realized that we had really learned a lot about pumpkins.  But we still have things we wondered!  While we were out of time at school, we know that we can keep learning anywhere!  We can't wait to find out where pumpkins originated from and how come some are red, some are orange and some are even white!


  1. I had fun doing this!By:Vanessa L

  2. i love it it was a good day. by Carter.
