Monday, October 26, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:29 AM
Looking for more ideas of what you can do at home?  Try these!

Reading: Ask questions!  Whatever your child is reading, ask questions.  Compare a character in this book to the last book your child read.  How is Marty like Horrible Harry?  How are they different?  What is the setting of this book?  Is that the same setting or different from Charlotte's Web?  How would you react if that happened to you?  Helping your child to think about the text, the characters and connecting a current book to life experiences, a movie, or another book really helps them to understand it on a deeper level.

Math:  We have been working on adding and subtracting using metric measurements (meters and centimeters).  Spend just a minute or two estimating lengths, or adding them.  Even comparing one length to another helps your student develop subtraction fluency!


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