Monday, October 12, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:32 PM
What does it mean to create a win-win situation?  Give an example.


  1. A win win is when to people get what they want an example is say you want to play video games but your friend wants to play in the basement you could play video games in the basement.Caleb

  2. It meenes to haf evry one haf whaot thay wont enzampl I wont a toy and my bruthrr wons the same toy we kud sher it. Nathan

  3. my sistr and I wont a toy we fite so I seid we kan make a win win I gave the toy the next day I had it chan.

  4. Win win meens wen sum wuns gets wut thay wunt and thaye doo too like last week wen my bruth wok me up I sed I will let you play miy kindl.Drew

  5. Everybody gets what they want. If you want to build with blocks and your friend wants to play football you could build a goalpost and your friend can throw the ball in it. from Grant

  6. It means two people get what they want I give my mom the money to get the game. by jacob

  7. It is when two people or more get what they want. Example I have candy my brother comes and I split the candy to make my brother happy.Devin

  8. what is a win win situation? give an example.
    I would give my mom money to by the brokin helmit pig plosh toy.

  9. To solve a problem. I wanted a toy but it was 9 dollars and my mom told me no so I said ill take care of it so she said yes. Keagan

  10. when you want a game but your mom dose not want to spend money on a game so you make money to buy what you want to and your mom doesn't want to spend money. by Blake

  11. I made a win win with my mom I want to get a kitty she wants me to clean my beach and I made win win with her I wood clean my beach. by Madelynn

  12. to make a win win you can tell your mom to gev a chors and you git a thaing. I make a chor thin I got a toy by Taylor

  13. At Sky Zone me and Vanessa.L made a win win situation and we both wanted the same tramplin and Vanessa.L said how about we swich in one min. a win win situation means you and someone want the same thing.By.Ava

  14. It means two pepole get what they want!By:VanessaL
