Thursday, October 30, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:19 PM
when I went to the beach

I was in the water.I was playing in it.I fell and my mom got bred puwp all over her leg. I was playing with zeyan under water and then mom finley nuwe that bred puwp was all over her leg.I came out of the water.I eat a peneauit boueter and jelly sandwich and then I asct for more .mom seid no thats for zeyan.then I was dune.I went back in the water and I seid to Zeyan or you going to eat your sandwich he seid no so I came owt of the water I seid Zeyan duse not want to eat hes sandwich.It got sugy.  by selah

About the Author

Selah is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with her mom and brother.  Her inspiration for this story was from all the fun she had at the beach.  When Selah grows up, she wants to be an illustrator.  
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:34 PM
the race track

One day I went to the race track. The race track smelled like smoke.I was there with my mom my dad my grandpa my mimi and my moms brother timmy.then we got ice cream.we did not sit on the bench we sat in a room a little room .when the race staded we all sat down.the litning maqween car browk down it stopped working. the race started. the car want vary fast. it was a long time the end. by McKenna

About the Author
McKenna is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with her mom, dad, dog, Duke and her brother, Jackson.  When asked about her inspiration for this story, McKenna replied, “I was excited to go to the race track.  It was so much fun!”  When McKenna grows up, she hopes to be a teacher. 
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:16 PM
the first time I road a bike

one day on my birthday  I  got a bike. At the end of my birthday me and my family clean up .then me and my brother go outside.My brother  came outside to help me ride my bike. The first I fell. The second time I fell a gen. The third time my brother helped me how my brother helped is he held the bike so I cood balance. He had to do it lot. After a while I noow how to ride my bike. by Ana

About the Author
Ana is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with her mom, dad and five brothers, Joel, Michael, Jason, Clay and Luke.  Her brother, Peter is married and lives away from Paw Paw.  Ana says, “I wanted to write this story because it is funny because I kept falling.”  When Ana grows up, she wants to President of the United States.
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:15 PM
When I Lost My First Tooth

One day while I was in my blue truck I realized that I had a wiggly tooth. We    just got home from a store.My little brother Jackson whispered  to me tell dad and so I did and he said youll have to tell mom tonight because I am going hunting I said I hope you get a deer.When we got inside.I hope you do to.A couple hours later.My mom got home and we ate dinner.We ate kraft mac and cheese.I love that.For some  weird reason my brother blurted out mom Taylor has a loose tooth.Isaid Jackson I  wanted to tell her.My mom said WOW  you do?I said ya I do!She said when you are finished with your mac and cheese.We can try to pull it out.I asked will it hurt? She said ya it will hurt a little bit but you will get over it .So I said okay we can try.When I was finished.We went to the bathroom.To pull it out because I have a mirror in my bathroom.My mom put floss around my tooth.My mom pulled and pulled and finally it came out.My mom took a cute picture of me! before I went to bed.I put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy.Soon I was fast asleep.In the morning I found 2 dollars! I went to tell my mom she said cool ! l went to tell my friend Mallory.She said that is so cool !.Then I felt another one.We said oh boy.Both of us went running to tell my mom & dad.It was an awesome day! I loved it!   By Taylor

About the Author

Taylor is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with her mom, dad and brother, Jackson.  Her inspiration for writing this story was because she loves to write stories and this one “is a good one!”  She said, “I love it!”  When she grows up, she wants to be Mrs. Mitchell, the teacher. 
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:14 PM
The Time I Went to Bounceland

One day I went to Bounceland I was very excited .So me and my family got in to Bounceland .First we went to the Bouncyhouse. I took my shoes off and jumped in.I did a frontflip and said yay.Then jumped out.I went to Baseball air .I grabbed the bat and grabbed a ball and hit the ball so hard the  ball bang. I went to the slide. I went up the ladder then I was at the top of the slide.I had no choice but to go down. I got over my fears then I went down it was amazing!I went again this time I went upside down . I went sideways next it was fun.Then it was time to go home.The end.  by Darrin

About the Author  

Darrin is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with his mom, dad, sister and brother.  When asked about his inspiration for this story, Darrin said, “Because I love jumping up and down!”  When Darrin grows up, he hopes to be a police in fire situations.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:37 PM

I love Halloween I love candy I cant wate kara 

Halloween  is  almost   here   I   am  so    happy  because   I   am    going    to   be    sonic   for   halloween.    I    can  not  wait   for  the   halloween   party   by Tanner
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:44 AM
If you'd like your student to have his/her picture retaken tomorrow (Wednesday), please send a note with your child so I know to send them down for retakes.


Monday, October 27, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:00 PM
The students have been learning to use the text to find evidence.  They are getting really good at it.  Today in guided reading group, I saw Logan, Abby and McKenna all searching their books for specific words, information or plot points!  Great detective work!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:57 PM
I have had several parents tell me how awesome Sharing Day is, but I have to tell you, it's the audience that is so awesome!  I know how busy people are and how difficult it can be to get time off of work, and yet our room is full of supportive parents, grandparents and friend each Sharing Day!  Thank you all for being such a great audience!  You give the students a chance to practice talking in front of people, as well as an opportunity to show off their work (believe me, it really helps motivate them to do their best!)

If you were not able to attend on Friday, here's a peek at what we shared!

We heard a play about Pterodactyl who couldn't pronounce his name.

Taylor shared her sticker story journal writing. 

We heard another play about the Three Billy Goats Gruff!

The audience laughed in all the right places and cheered for everyone!

We heard a play about saving money. 

We watched a play called, "Jill Gets Fit"
 (Emily would have read the "brain" part better than I did!)

Tanner shared his painting from art.

Kyle shared his painting, too, and told us about all the ocean creatures he made!

Thomas and McKenna shared a cute play about two frogs having a hopping contest! 

Stephene showed off her artistic talents!

Kathryn read her sticker story.

Marianna shared a sticker story she had written during journal writing. 

Logan also shared his sticker story!

Peter also shared his amazing painting of sea creatures!

Thanks to our audience for taking the time to support our learning!

Thanks again, to everyone!  I hope to get some videos up soon!
The next Sharing Day is Friday, November 7th.
This will be the last Sharing Day until December as we have conferences at the end of November!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:50 PM

Darrin has earned his 5 point AR button!! 
Way to go, Darrin!!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:48 PM
Thanks to EvErYoNe who helped with the Paw Paw Prowl this year!  PTO did a fantastic job of organizing the event again this year and all the volunteers and people who donated for the event made it a huge success again this year!  The Early Elementary raised over $10,000!!!  Way to go!!

We had an assembly on Friday to celebrate the success of the fundraiser and to celebrate students who helped raise money for the event.  We had several winners chosen from our class!

Peter won a free slushie from the LE!!  (YUM!)

Brayden won ice cream from the Rootbeer Stand!!

Tanner won a hackey sack ball!

Darrin won a hackey sack ball, too!

Taya won a ride on a FIRE TRUCK!!  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:03 PM
My dog is named snickers and  he is black and  he loves to lick my hand and some  times  snickers he licks the in  side of my mouth     by abby

I love second  grade so far reading stations  are awesome open lab is great to.library is great to., by Darrin

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:01 PM
In case you have trouble with tonight's math homework (it's a strategy many of do mentally, but don't give a lot of thought to), here's a quick video that should help you out.


Monday, October 20, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:10 PM
I recently heard an interview on the radio with Pharrell Williams, writer and performer of the song, "Happy" from the movie, "Despicable Me 2".  In talking about the writing process, Mr. Williams said he made five revisions of the song before he was really happy with it.  Unfortunately, the movie producers still weren't.  It wasn't until the TENTH revision that everyone believed they had the perfect song for the movie.  They were sure right!  

For kids, it's hard to believe our first try isn't our best try and revisions feel painful and unnecessary - UNTIL we see how amazing our work can be when we truly finish.  It's a lot like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.  It sheds it's skin more than five times before it starts to turn into a beautiful butterfly inside a chrysalis!  

Today, we started working on revising our personal narratives.  For this step of the process, we ask friends for help.  Because the story is so near and dear to us (and we already know all the details) it's very easy to leave parts out.  Our friends can be a great help by asking us for more information or clarification.  Every time we ask a friend for help, our story gets better!  

Our stories are getting better and better and better!  We are excited about making changes and making them become butterflies!  And we can't wait to share them with you!  

Come hear our personal narratives on Friday, October 24th from 2:45-3:30!
 (Note the change in time, I think we need more time this week to share everything!)
We'd love to have another fantastic audience to share our plays, our writing and our love for learning!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:00 PM
We finished reading Charlotte's Web by E.B. White today and so we celebrated the incredible friendship of a very special spider and a terrific, radiant, humble pig, Wilbur.  

To celebrate, we had a special treat of pigs and spiders (well, not real pigs and spiders..) and we watched the movie!

 We also wrote about friendship and what we learned from Charlotte and Wilbur.

  It was great to celebrate friendship surrounded by such wonderful friends!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:02 PM
Taya and Taylor have been finding so many interesting words in their new reading book that they spent time today learning how to use the dictionary.  
Given the choice, Taya started with the traditional dictionary and looked up "gradually".  She eventually switched to the iPad to look up more words like "enveloping".  

Taylor decided to use the app on the iPads to look up "hesitated" and "hitched".   The girls both enjoyed learning how to find out what new words mean, how to pronounce them and how they are used in the text.

Great detective work, girls!  Way to use your resources and be problem-solvers!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:10 PM
The PTO so generously gives every student at the EE a book each year (sometimes twice a year!) and we were thrilled to go down today and pick out a book of our very own. 

We checked the books to make sure we would love them and to make sure they were not too difficult for us to read. 
There were so many great books, it was hard to choose just one!

We looked at picture books, chapter books, mysteries, funny books...

 ...until we all had a perfect book to call our own!
Thanks PTO!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:05 PM
We realized today we had a bit of a gap in our learning!  We needed to know our doubles facts before we could move on this year and learn how to use double facts to help us with doubles +1 or doubles -1!  We decided we'd better spend some time today practicing these facts so we'd be better prepared to add to that knowledge in our next math chapter!

We used egg cartons to randomly select a number, and then we practiced doubling it!

 We wrote our answers down on white boards so we got extra practice drilling these facts into our brains!

We started to get faster and faster at remembering these facts!

We also played Addition War, this time, each student flipped over one card, stated the doubles fact and the answer and THEN compared the answer to their opponent.  

 We had some great wars going on in Room 18 today! 
All in the name of learning!!