Monday, October 6, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:07 PM
Today we set out on a mission!
We wanted to see if we could figure out how many sounds the letter 'c' makes and if there's any pattern to when it makes certain sounds.

The Word Detectives were hot on the case, searching for words that had the letter 'c' in them and writing them down!

Then we made charts to figure out the pattern.  Hmm...this took a lot of thinking!

Finally, we found a pattern!  Aha!!  We now know that the Super Secret Stealer C Code is...

(Did you really think we were just going to tell you?!  You need to discover it for yourself!)

Can you tell what a 'c' will say just by the pattern?

What will it say in "cat"?
How about "crumple"?
What about "city"?
Or ...

"bicycle"?!?'s going to take some thinking, isn't it?!  

If YOU know the Super Secret Stealer C Code, let us know in the comments!
  We'd like to know if you found the pattern, too!


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