Saturday, October 11, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:53 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  The kids and I were so excited to have so many parents, grandparents and friends attend Sharing Day!  We love sharing what we're learning and working on!  Being able to not only read or write or create, but to share with a particular audience, to perform and to demonstrate are all key skills our students are working on this year!  Thank you for motivating us to do our best, providing additional incentive to stay focused and engaged on our learning goals and for giving us such a positive sharing experience! 

Now, for those who'd like to relive the great plays performed on Friday, or for those who were unable to attend, here are the links to the videos!

"Bet I Can" Performed by (from left to right) Azariana, Kyle, Darrin, Emma, Marianna, Ana and Elijah

"Piggy's Picnic" Performed by Dawson, Logan, Kathryn (filling in for Abby) and McKenna

"Bug Banter" Performed by Peter and Taya

"Ray's Rockin' Birthday" Performed by Kathryn, Kara, Selah, Tanner, Taylor and Stephene

"Bird or Mammal" Performed by Brayden and Emily

Our next planned Sharing Day will be in two weeks.  We'll have our first ever personal narratives to show then as well as our Reader's Theater plays!  Come join us if you can!


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