Saturday, October 25, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:48 PM
Thanks to EvErYoNe who helped with the Paw Paw Prowl this year!  PTO did a fantastic job of organizing the event again this year and all the volunteers and people who donated for the event made it a huge success again this year!  The Early Elementary raised over $10,000!!!  Way to go!!

We had an assembly on Friday to celebrate the success of the fundraiser and to celebrate students who helped raise money for the event.  We had several winners chosen from our class!

Peter won a free slushie from the LE!!  (YUM!)

Brayden won ice cream from the Rootbeer Stand!!

Tanner won a hackey sack ball!

Darrin won a hackey sack ball, too!

Taya won a ride on a FIRE TRUCK!!  

1 comment:

  1. awesome Taya you got a ride on a fire truck from Taylor
