Thursday, October 30, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:15 PM
When I Lost My First Tooth

One day while I was in my blue truck I realized that I had a wiggly tooth. We    just got home from a store.My little brother Jackson whispered  to me tell dad and so I did and he said youll have to tell mom tonight because I am going hunting I said I hope you get a deer.When we got inside.I hope you do to.A couple hours later.My mom got home and we ate dinner.We ate kraft mac and cheese.I love that.For some  weird reason my brother blurted out mom Taylor has a loose tooth.Isaid Jackson I  wanted to tell her.My mom said WOW  you do?I said ya I do!She said when you are finished with your mac and cheese.We can try to pull it out.I asked will it hurt? She said ya it will hurt a little bit but you will get over it .So I said okay we can try.When I was finished.We went to the bathroom.To pull it out because I have a mirror in my bathroom.My mom put floss around my tooth.My mom pulled and pulled and finally it came out.My mom took a cute picture of me! before I went to bed.I put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy.Soon I was fast asleep.In the morning I found 2 dollars! I went to tell my mom she said cool ! l went to tell my friend Mallory.She said that is so cool !.Then I felt another one.We said oh boy.Both of us went running to tell my mom & dad.It was an awesome day! I loved it!   By Taylor

About the Author

Taylor is seven years old and lives in Paw Paw with her mom, dad and brother, Jackson.  Her inspiration for writing this story was because she loves to write stories and this one “is a good one!”  She said, “I love it!”  When she grows up, she wants to be Mrs. Mitchell, the teacher. 

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