Monday, October 20, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:10 PM
I recently heard an interview on the radio with Pharrell Williams, writer and performer of the song, "Happy" from the movie, "Despicable Me 2".  In talking about the writing process, Mr. Williams said he made five revisions of the song before he was really happy with it.  Unfortunately, the movie producers still weren't.  It wasn't until the TENTH revision that everyone believed they had the perfect song for the movie.  They were sure right!  

For kids, it's hard to believe our first try isn't our best try and revisions feel painful and unnecessary - UNTIL we see how amazing our work can be when we truly finish.  It's a lot like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.  It sheds it's skin more than five times before it starts to turn into a beautiful butterfly inside a chrysalis!  

Today, we started working on revising our personal narratives.  For this step of the process, we ask friends for help.  Because the story is so near and dear to us (and we already know all the details) it's very easy to leave parts out.  Our friends can be a great help by asking us for more information or clarification.  Every time we ask a friend for help, our story gets better!  

Our stories are getting better and better and better!  We are excited about making changes and making them become butterflies!  And we can't wait to share them with you!  

Come hear our personal narratives on Friday, October 24th from 2:45-3:30!
 (Note the change in time, I think we need more time this week to share everything!)
We'd love to have another fantastic audience to share our plays, our writing and our love for learning!


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