Saturday, October 25, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:57 PM
I have had several parents tell me how awesome Sharing Day is, but I have to tell you, it's the audience that is so awesome!  I know how busy people are and how difficult it can be to get time off of work, and yet our room is full of supportive parents, grandparents and friend each Sharing Day!  Thank you all for being such a great audience!  You give the students a chance to practice talking in front of people, as well as an opportunity to show off their work (believe me, it really helps motivate them to do their best!)

If you were not able to attend on Friday, here's a peek at what we shared!

We heard a play about Pterodactyl who couldn't pronounce his name.

Taylor shared her sticker story journal writing. 

We heard another play about the Three Billy Goats Gruff!

The audience laughed in all the right places and cheered for everyone!

We heard a play about saving money. 

We watched a play called, "Jill Gets Fit"
 (Emily would have read the "brain" part better than I did!)

Tanner shared his painting from art.

Kyle shared his painting, too, and told us about all the ocean creatures he made!

Thomas and McKenna shared a cute play about two frogs having a hopping contest! 

Stephene showed off her artistic talents!

Kathryn read her sticker story.

Marianna shared a sticker story she had written during journal writing. 

Logan also shared his sticker story!

Peter also shared his amazing painting of sea creatures!

Thanks to our audience for taking the time to support our learning!

Thanks again, to everyone!  I hope to get some videos up soon!
The next Sharing Day is Friday, November 7th.
This will be the last Sharing Day until December as we have conferences at the end of November!

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