Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:05 PM
We realized today we had a bit of a gap in our learning!  We needed to know our doubles facts before we could move on this year and learn how to use double facts to help us with doubles +1 or doubles -1!  We decided we'd better spend some time today practicing these facts so we'd be better prepared to add to that knowledge in our next math chapter!

We used egg cartons to randomly select a number, and then we practiced doubling it!

 We wrote our answers down on white boards so we got extra practice drilling these facts into our brains!

We started to get faster and faster at remembering these facts!

We also played Addition War, this time, each student flipped over one card, stated the doubles fact and the answer and THEN compared the answer to their opponent.  

 We had some great wars going on in Room 18 today! 
All in the name of learning!!


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