Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:01 PM
Today we were working on becoming authors - we are so excited about this journey!  We have learned about nouns and verbs and we know that a simple sentence needs both!  We have been learning about adjectives and how they help to make our sentences more interesting.  Now we are going to start putting together our amazing sentences into stories!

We are starting off with "personal narratives" which means we are writing about something that actually happened to us (how interesting!)  We realized one of the hardest parts about writing is thinking up an idea, so we BrAiNsToRmEd!!   

We let ideas swirl around our minds and then we captured some of the best ones.  We kept in mind who we are writing for (audience) and what they might want to hear about. 

When we got a few ideas down, we picked the VERY BEST ONE as our first writing topic!  YIPPEE!!


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