Friday, November 30, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:52 PM

The BUGS can!!  We have been learning about double letters and why we use combinations like -dge, -tch and -ck.  Could you explain these patterns? 


We all know about using a -ck in words and could even tell the difference, but how many of us realize the rule?  What is the difference between "backing" and "baking"?  It's the vowel sound, isn't it?  We use -ck when we want the vowel to keep saying it's sound, even when we add an ending.  That's how we keep "tacking" from being "taking", etc.  

We use double letters in words that end with a Z, F, L or S (we call them Z-Floss words for short!).  Without a double letter at the end, the vowel would change to a namer vowel when we add an ending like - ing.  Think about words like "dress".  If we want to change it to "dressing" the e still says the same sound.  Without the double 's', the 'e' would now say it's name.  We don't want "dresing" on our salad!!  



The letter 'g' is tricky to double, however.  If we doubled it, according to the Super Secret Stealer G Rules (see previous posts) the first g would make the /g/ sound like in "jug".  So try to say "fudge" with a /g/ sound followed by the /j/ sound. It doesn't work very well, does it?  Because the 'g' can't do the job, we ask the tongue stoppers to come help us.  The tongue stoppers are /t/ and /d/ and we use the /d/ before a /j/ sound (like in "fudge") because it is easier to say two noisy sounds in a row than one quiet and one noisy.  To put it in "parent terms", it's easier to say "fudj" than to say "futj".


The same idea applies when our sounder vowel is followed by a /ch/ sound, like in the word "patch", we use the quiet tongue stopper (/t/) to double the sound.  We can't double the ch to protect the vowel or we'd have pachch, which looks ridiculous!  We put in the quiet tongue stopper this time because the /ch/ sound is quiet and it is easier to say two quiet sounds in a row than a noisy than a quiet.  (again, in "parent terms", it is easier to say "patch" than it is to say "padch".)

The trouble is, when our language was created, a whole mess of sounds weren't considered for these rules.  If a sounder vowel is followed by the /m/ sound, or the /b/ sound, for example, the word isn't ready for the ending!  For example, the word, "run".  When we make it "running" WE have to add the second 'n' or our vowel will say it's name!  We do this for many of our words!  Grab- grabbing, plan- planning, hum-humming.  It is important that students learn the rules, and what sounds have protection already, so they can recognize when the word needs their help to keep the vowel safe!  

Whew!  That's a lot to cram into one blog post!  If you have any questions, you can start by asking your child to help!  They are amazing at this!  If you still don't understand, I'm happy to give a much more detailed (and slower) explanation!!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:09 AM

Topic:  Free Choice Write!


Yesterday I got a  new  book .The book is  call  Haunted Cassle  on hollows  eve .I have read some. – by Phoebe   


Tomorrow my  uncle is coming to my house. I like my  uncle. He can hook my Xbox360. We play Call of duty Mw3. I like  that  game. It is fun. I do campaign. By Dominick


Today if I be good my dad and my 2 mom will take me and my brothor   to a Christmas prade. My daddy said there will be cookies and hot choclet. Yummy my brothor will prolble not eat anything. And tomorrow we are going agin. By kourtney


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:44 PM

In our reading group today, we read a story about e-pals who shared with each other what their favorite things were for all five senses.  We wanted to ask all of you for your favorites, too!  

We are reading a story about e-pals my favorite  senses are:




Taste-tater tot casiroll

Please leave a comment - Taylor


We are reading a story about e-pals my favorite senses are

sight - a sunset  

Sound – the sea

smell -  perfume

touch – baby skin

taste – ice cream

what are yours ?

Please leave a comment Delaney


What are your favorite sight, sound, smell, taste and touch? And I’m talking about all of you in the hole world! People from the country, North Pole and Africa. - By krystiana

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:12 AM

Topic: Write a story using the words, "photo" and "plane". 


Once I was on a plane  to go to Arezona beckaus  my Unkle Rick lives in Arazona  so when we got  done  there  we flue back home it was a fun trip .The next day we whent to get a photo. By Audrie



I yust to like a plan like me and my brother bild like a bed we haved are old bed fron are ant conny. I put photos to my granpa when he lives in celforn. I was on a plan in a town that is very far like hawiey is far but it is not that. So I mist him. My other granpa he was in a plan he saw us and we wer like a little ant he said yep. But I put photos like I said I missed you I have not seen you like for a month now he said I missed you to. When my sister was in dekader I rited a letter that said wer have you been she said with my dad Trevor then I said ok I get it now you are in dekaed she said yes. So I put my letter to my sister Kyra I said good by Kyra she said good by Payton good by. So my brother Brayden he lives in a town that is very big with a lot of people he said   byPAYTON.


A photos is A pixor and A planes is samping you fliyin to go playsis. By Nick



Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:57 AM


The competition is getting tougher, but Krysti still beat out her classmates for the title of Around the World Champion today!  The addition facts were much harder today, as we included all the facts including 12's!  Congratulations, Krysti!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:49 AM

Ryleigh's Uncle David is a Marine, just recently home from Afghanistan.  He came to visit our class today and to answer some questions about being in the Marines.  


He showed us some great pictures of his uniforms, his boot camp experience and a few from the mountains in Afghanistan! 


He was very patient with all our questions!  He told us that he has to do a lot of writing as a Marine; filling out reports and records and so forth.  He says his spelling and penmanship is really important!  He also said he has to do a lot of math every day!  


Thank you, Lance Corporal David, for sharing your time and experiences with us today!  We are so thankful for all that you do for us!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:21 AM

Topic:  Tell how we communicate with other people.

Me and my friend Joey me and him can communicate he speks  different   aksens   . Me and my sister can communicate we talk  like her she has a funny  aksent  . Me and my Grampa Joey can communicate with me .  Me and  brother Geogony   can communicate together  . Me and my friend Aj  can communicate together . By  Lindy


We communicate  with other people because we share are ides with people. We can tell other people what we are thinking about. We can also communicate with other people by telling people if they want to play with them. If they want to play with them the prsen  that asked them and they said yes. So if you want to learn how to communicate ypu want to read this. By Cheyenne


   I    communicate    with  my   friend   out  on   the   play  ground.  I   some    times   communicate   with   my  brother  at   my  house.  I   play   with   communicateing   out   side  with  my  friends.  I  like  to  play  out  side  with  my  friends  to  play   with   me.  I   also  communicate   with  people   that  need   me  to  help  them. I   shuld   help  people  get  help  wen   they  need  me  to  help  them.  I  stile  help  people  that  need  me.   By   sam        

One day me and my friend wrote a note to eachother because we are very good to eachother. One day me and my friend were writing notes to eachother one day that Is my other best friend to each other all the time. One time me and my other best Friend wrote a note to each other because we are nice like that all the time. m And my other best friend wrote a note to each other because we want to Nice to every one always. By Trevor

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:31 AM

The BUGS sure caught the Gratitude Bug this November! 


They did an awesome job sharing some of the things they are most thankful for!







Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:26 AM


We created turkey glyphs to represent our preferences for the Thanksgiving holiday!  We all enjoyed talking with each other about our plans and especially about our menu favorites!


It is so fun to be unique!  (And a good thing, too, or there wouldn't be enough pumpkin pie for the rest of us!)


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:43 PM
Wow!  What an adventure!  Today I am in a second grade classroom in Paw Paw, MICHIGAN


 We are having such a fun morning together! 


The kids started by writing in their journals.  Some of the kids got to post their journal entries on their class blog, so I thought it would be fun to blog, too!  


After journals, the class practiced neat handwriting.... 


...and then they did a spelling dictation sentence about Thanksgiving.  They wrote so neatly and carefully!  After they finished spelling, they went over the words on the board, marking all the parts of speech and syllable types that they found.  Whew, these kids sure are smart! 


After spelling, the kids went to Gym where they ran around like crazy kids!  They had a quick snack after Gym and then went outside for recess.  It is about 40 degrees here today, so they put on their winter coats.  No snow yet, but they say it is coming this weekend!  Brrr! 


When the kids came back in from recess, I told them my story.  They were very interested in how I got so flat and the adventures I've had!


Then they played a game called Apples to Apples.  It’s a cool game that helps them practice using adjectives with their nouns!  There was a lot of giggling and working in teams!  At 12:15, the kids headed home for the day.  They had a half day today for parent-teacher conferences.  They are on vacation for the rest of the week to celebrate Thanksgiving.  I can’t wait to have some turkey!

Until my next adventure,

Flat Stanley

From North Fort Meyers, Florida

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:02 AM

November 20, 2012

Wow!  What an adventure!  Today I am in a second grade classroom in Paw Paw, MICHIGAN!  We are having such a fun morning together!  The kids started by writing in their journals (they were writing about making an invention for the playground!) then they did a spelling dictation sentence about Thanksgiving.  They wrote so neatly and carefully!  After they finished spelling, they went over the words, marking all the parts of speech and syllable types that they found.  Whew, these kids sure are smart! 

After spelling, the kids went to Gym where they ran around like crazy kids!  They had a quick snack after Gym and then went outside for recess.  It is about 40 degrees here today, so they put on their winter coats.  No snow yet, but they say it is coming this weekend!  Brrr!  

When the kids came back in from recess, they played a game called Apples to Apples.  It’s a cool game that helps them practice using adjectives with their nouns!  There was a lot of giggling and working in teams!

At 12:15, the kids headed home for the day.  They had a half day today for parent-teacher conferences.  They are on vacation for the rest of the week to celebrate Thanksgiving.  I can’t wait to have some turkey!

Until my next adventure,

Flat Stanley

North Fort Meyers, Florida
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:00 AM

Topic: Write about an invention you could use on the playground


I would invention a stamp that on ever ones paper in are class room. They can say like a dog as a stamp or a cat anything they want. A star a rocked ship it will be so cool .I would like a dog and a rabbit and a cat or a kittin. We are the bugs so I will have to get some. – by Kourtney


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:58 AM

Topic: Write about what makes you unique.


I  am unique because I am different from  ather  peple  .  I love to play Hide and Seek and go see dauphin    .  I love to go to the movie at Kamazoo  Ten  . also I love to see Santa Claul   at the latin mall .  Also  going to Makedonl   in paw paw  town  .  I love watching football and soccer and racer .  I love Taylor Lautner  from twilit  bracing dawn  . by Lindy


I am unique because I am different than other pole and I like how that is.  I am also unique because I like to color and other pole don’t like to color. I am also unique because I like to play with my barbys and some pole hate barby ‘s. By Cheyenne



Friday, November 16, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:40 AM

Topic: Friday Free Choice Write!


Me and my dad like to work all day becus we want are Musels to be big all the time. Me and my mom like to hug all the time becus I love my mom. Me and my dad Like to make all the stuff that my mom wants all the time becus she is always Hungry. Me and my mom like to lay with my mom all the time becus I love My mom she is knice all the time. Me and my dad like to play ketch withThe football all the time becus we always becus we like to. By Trevor.


Today I am going to my Grandma home and that is going to be so much fun today.

 I like going to school because you do a lot math and you have so much fun.I love Miss Wilson she is so nice to us and she is good at math.  Today we are going to have so much fun today with Miss Wilson a lot.  That is my story today.  By Ryleigh.


Once I  played  with me teacher dog Eli. I  love  dog ,s her dog is the best dog ever .I sa the at   is the best dog I ever sol in my hoi  in tieriif .      by  Ethan

 I have too sister name Kaelee and Sarah and.I have too berather name is Dkodu and Matt. Me and Matt and me played hide and sec and he is fore yers old and it is owas   good. I played with my sister and we do flashcers and thay owas win so mach.        By Shayla




Thursday, November 15, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:03 AM

Topic:  What are some special things you do to celebrate Thanksgiving?

What   are     some   things   you    do       for    Thanksgiving  ?   EASEY   I cook    than   I    invite    people   over. -By Hailey

I  celebrate Thanksgiving because we eat  turkey  and  we eat chicken for Thanksgiving. By Moises

 I go to my grandma’s house on thanksgiving. It is fun at my grandma’s house. I love thanksgiving. I play with my cusins on thanksgiving. We go to my mom’s mom. Which is my grandma. We eat turkey for thanks giving there. By Taylor

Sometimes I go to TJ Fridays and my dad says we will have turkey . We’ll will also have a side of gravy  and soup Chicken noodle  ! My family will be there to ! Also at my mom’s I go to my grandma’s and my grandpa will be there ! Also at my other grandma we will go to I hop and eat yummy pancakes . By-delaney

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:55 PM

We have been working on conjugating verbs into simple past, simple present and simple future tenses the past week or so in Room 18.  (If you think that's impressive for second graders, just wait until the end of the year when they will be able to conjugate present continuous and past perfect tenses!) We've noticed the regular past tense ending of "-ed" can say three different things at the end of a word.  Sometimes it says /t/, sometimes it says /d/ and sometimes it even says /id/.  (We noticed that it never says /ed/!)  Today, we started to investigate the pattern further, to figure out when it says each sound (we're all about finding the patterns and rules!)  First, we noticed that the /t/ and the /d/ sounds are TWIN PAIR SOUNDS!  The only difference in the two sounds is that one is quiet (/t/) and one is noisy (/d/)!  Hmmmm...Then we noticed that when words end in a quiet sound, the -ed ending says the quiet /t/ sound.  We found that when a word ends in a noisy sound, the -ed ending says the noisy /d/ sound!  We were really on to something! 

The class got really excited as we tried out the pattern.  Sure enough, words that end with quiet sounds like "jump", "dress" and "back" all say /t/ when you add the -ed.  (Try it!  Say "jumped", "dressed" and "backed".  All the -ed endings say /t/ don't they?)  When we looked at words that end in noisy sounds, like "bag", "buzz" and "barge", they all say the noisy /d/ sound when we add -ed.  (Try it!)  Pretty cool, huh?


But then the BUGS got stumped.  So when does -ed say /id/?  Hmm...


The BUGS grabbed their books and started scouring for past tense words.  They were on the hunt for the ones that say /id/ at the end.  


They wrote down the clues they found and piled them up! 


Look at all the words they found!  Notice how all the -ed endings say /id/?  Now to turn the thinking caps on and figure out WHY!

The BUGS spent some time on their own thinking...and then they got into pairs and thought some more and then some of their faces lit up and they danced around the room saying, "I know!  I know!"  They wrote down their idea and they showed it to me.  They did a great job of discovering for themselves the pattern!


 Words that already end in a "t" or a "d" always say /id/ when we add "-ed"!!! Of course, we couldn't leave it at that!  We had to know WHY!!  


Taylor shot her hand right up and won the Grand Prize of FIVE POWER PAWS when she realized that we cannot say a /t/ or a /d/ sound TWICE at the end of a word, so we have to say /id/!  GENIUS!!  (She wasn't the only one who realized it, just the first one to shoot her hand up!) 

I am so proud of my BUGS for figuring out this puzzle today!  They are all very Bright BUGS indeed!


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:28 AM

Topic:  Tell the special ways your family celebrates a holiday.

My  family   celebrates  thanks   giving.   I   do   alot   of   stof   on  thanksgiving    to   help   my   family.  I  stele  eat   the  trcy    on   the  table.  I   also   need   a   nacen.  I   also   eat  the  rice  on   thanks giving.  I   also celebrate  chrismis .  I  get   a   lot  of   stof   on   chrismis.    By    sam        

My   family    celebrates    Thanksgiving   .   I    do   it   drifent   than   Sams Holiday. -by Megan

My  family celebrates Chrisms difrent. I don’t  know if it said Dominick or Thomas on the post card. I don’t  know what my  presents are. I don’t know if it is a car are not. I do it in the morning when my family is up. By Dominick

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:51 PM

Larz was pretty proud that he could read "competition" in his library book this morning.  Cheyenne thought that was pretty impressive, too, but she was certain he couldn't stump her on a word.  He took his book and searched for another hard word and brought it back for Cheyenne to decode.  She asked for paper and pencil and set to her fish hooking.  After breaking the word into syllables, and remembing that "-sion" is an ending like "-tion", she was able to decode "suspension", sending Larz off to find another hard word to stump her!  

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:11 PM

Topic:  Write about your favorite holiday


My favorite   holiday is thakegiving  day  because  it rines   me . A Indeein  Teacher  I wished he wad  come a gen to teech  me sum mover hunting I like hunting . by jack


I like Crismiss becase you can get toys a lot of. I want a guy that has a forwheeler. So a Smers with a big town. I Crismess it has Santa. Even a ipod my brother broke min. but Santa can get me eney than els he wans. my brother wants a zombie cadey guts that you can eat. My sister wants a puppy I sede you cant get it Santa can not make a puppy.I want to snow today but Santa might not get me what I want. My baby sister I think my baby sister willnot get nothing. But I will leve him a note sun cookies he will wite us a note to us. My friend he said he will get a playstay three mabb he will mabb he wont.Santa is the best. He rocks. Everone rocks so dos babys. MY baby is so cute I love her. So dos my family by Payton.

I like Crismiss    beckause  we get  presents  it is my favorite  holaday  I like it we get toys  it  is fun to  play with the toys . I like playing and  making snow angles.I like going  on the forweeler we get to ride on the foor weeler it is fun. By Audrie

I  love  Thancs egiving   it   is  because  I  get  to  see  my   family .  I  also  like  the fun.  I   also  like  it  when  you  have  family  over. Maybe  you  could  set  games  up. - by Phoebe



Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:09 PM

Topic:  Free Choice Write!

Today is free choice and do you know what that mean’s? At the end of the day we will be doing a lot of fun! when we do that at the end of the day we will stack the chairs. Probaly my dad will ride his motor bike when he gets home from work today. On Fridays we will get to play so much games with our friends. By krystiana   

My  mom  and  my  dad  have  a  pom  he  is  so  cute.  He   is    so soft   and   funny. He   is peach and he as a black strip on his back. His name is Bear his nick name is Carbear. When we first got him I named is nick name. When I get home from school he gums on me   . by  Kourtney


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:12 AM

Topic:  Tell a story about a problem and a solution

Once my friend Michael got in a problem because he didn’t follow what his mom said .by Larz

Once I  solved a problem by saying to my mom when me and my friend we had a problem  at her house  her doll was stuck . My sister and I got  in a problem she lost her favorit   staffer .  My brother he lost is favorit  shirt he was sad.  Jack  my  friend he lost his ghost toy  he was scared . By Lndy

Once I solved a problem by saying to my friend when me and her where fighting over something. I said to her that do you want to play tag with me. She said no I said why not. Well because I want to play frees tag. I said we need more players to play frees tag. I said  how  about school. She said I  like to play school. By Cheyenne

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:23 PM


On Friday, Jacob (Miss Wilson's high school son) came to visit our classroom (he didn't have school).  Some of the BUGS remembered Jacob from last year and greeted him with big hugs. 


Others met him for the first time and quickly realized - Jacob is quite huggable!!  Jacob was a big help getting some materials printed off for assessments, but he took time out to play with the kids, too.  He taught us how to play "Sad, Sad Day!"   MMMMMmmmm Hmmmmm!!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:10 PM

We all practiced our narrative writing skills by writing a 4 or 5 paragraph story about our favorite animal (real or made-up).  Larz, Taylor and Cheyenne all received perfect scores on their papers and were rewarded with the opportunity to record their stories!  Click on the images below to listen to a part of their story!

[wpvideo GIKHwsHS]

Taylor's Favorite Animal

[wpvideo sCno7SZT]

Cheyenne's Favorite Animal

[wpvideo hnQ0T38Z]

Larz's Favorite Animal

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:02 PM

Topic:  How can animals help each other?

I will tell you how animals can help each other A animal can help Each other animal like A zebra can help A nother zebra. – by Trevor


I will tell you how animals can help each other.

A animal can help a other animal by let it can let the other animal live with him that is nice to do.

           A animal can share a pone with a other animal or two animal and tat will be a  nice thing to do for a other animal.   - By Ryleigh.


I will  tell you about animals  what  help each other   . Lins help each        - by Ethan


I no a dog and a nath dog and thay  so one dog help.  - by Shayla 


They get food for each othr and mor food wy dothay. - By Nick.


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:58 PM

Topic:  How can animals help each other?

I will tell you how animals can help each other A animal can help Each other animal like A zebra can help A nother zebra. – by Trevor

I will tell you how animals can help each other.

A animal can help a other animal by let it can let the other animal live with him that is nice to do.

           A animal can share a pone with a other animal or two animal and tat will be a  nice thing to do for a other animal.   - By Ryleigh.


I will  tell you about animals  what  help each other   . Lins help each        - by Ethan


I no a dog and a nath dog and thay  so one dog help.  - by Shayla 


They get food for each othr and mor food wy dothay. - By Nick.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:52 PM

We've been working together to solve math problems.  It's fun to find the clues inside the word problems.  As word detectives, we know that if we see "all" in a problem, it means "ADD!"  If we see "how many more than?" we "SUBTRACT!"  We aren't going to let silly math problems trick us!  We're too smart!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:11 AM

Topic: Write about a time when you worked together with someone.


   Well that is easy because I was at my grandma’s house on Monday with  my cusins. I love my grandma. I had  supper there. Me and my cusins played for a while. I had fun.

     Working together is important.

      Yesterday I worked  with Delaney.    By Taylor


I had worked with Lars at math  together because he’s a good friend and we never play around when we do our math.I  had whent to my brothers house and I  whent  to helped  him assort  his movies that we watch on the afternoon.   By Moises



Ok Ill tell you a story   .Once there was a little girl and a little boy there names were Sam and Delaney . There was a big heavy box so Sam and Delaney took it to there Grandma . It was a Robin . There Grandma liked it vary  much . By the way Sam and Delaney lived in Texas and there Grandma lived in South Dacoda  . – By Delaney



Write   about a time that you    worked    together.   I always  work   together   for example  at  reading    groups   I haft to work   with my team mates  exspeshale    ,HAILEY



Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:10 AM

Topic: What does it mean to cooperate?

I  one   time   cooperated    with  my   brother .  I   did   not   wont   cooperate   with  my    brother.  I   just  ran   from   him.  I   like  to  run   from   him  some   times .  I   like  to just   run  to  my   room  some   times.  I   also  cooperate   with   my   friends.  I   like  to  just   run  from  them.  I  like  to   walk   from   my   friends   alot.  I   like  to  go  to  the  swing   set    to  run   from   them.  I   like  to  go  to  the  fens  and   stay   there.  I   like  to   cooperate   with   my  mom. I  like  to  run   from  her   some   times  in  the   mornig.     By  sam         

 I  shared  a   piece  of  paper  with  my  mom . I  olso  shared  a  toy  with  my Firend  Kornny  .  By  megan  

Me and Sam work as a team. Sam and I  are stuck on a word. It is a hard word to read. We had to sound and pound. We skip it un till we go over it. Me and Sam are working as a team. We had to yous are brain un till we new it. It was hard to know it. By Dominick


Friday, November 2, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:00 PM


Once I had two cats we had them ever cense they where kittens and  one Died. It was sad .Evry  body is excited it is fun. By Audrie

I  have  two  dogs.  Me  and  my  brother   both  have   fish.  We  got  them  on  today.  One  cat  I  feed  him. I  feed  ore   dogs  to.  My   fish  name  is  Ryleigh. by Phoebe.  

I was a side that I got a ipod on the last Sunday befor my bother got a psp to. my mom got us a champlen  my .sister got a bike my .babby sister got nothing besaze she is a babby .my dad got a  play sashin. my bother rylee got toy chranchformoremers. my sister kyra whnt to go to her frinds a lot. I have to dogs my dog is black that how it was when I got it my dog is cute vary vary cute. but my sister is just blond. nest hollween I will be a zombie for haollween  but my brother is cool but he can do cool sutff   by payton.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:34 AM

Topic: Tell about a time when you solved an argument with someone.

     I solved a argument last night because I rilly want to go outside but it was to muddy to go outside.  My brother Josh was being mean to me yesterday and we got over with it.

     My friend Max was arguing about my other friend Roxy. They were arguing about they cant see out the window yesterday on Holloween. by Krystiana 

     A time when I solved  argument is when my twelve year old sister and my sixteen year old sister were fighting. My sister’s were fighting  over closes and shoes to. So my sixteen year old sister couldint’t fine know closes or shoes in her closet. Then she ask my twelve rear old sister Brittany and she go get yor own close. My sixteen year old sister said I don’t have none. And then Brittany said fine you can have some and that’s how you solve A argument. by Carlysha

(Teacher's Note: We are just starting to learn about how to use paragraphs to help the reader understand our stories.  Don't you love how these BUGS used paragraphs today to help their readers?  Great job, Ladybugs!)


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:12 AM

We had a great time celebrating Halloween in Room 18!  The BUGS transformed themselves into zombies, cheerleaders, vampires, Hulk, Mario, princesses, and even a couple butterflies!  

We had a great time at the parade and party!  Lots of special grown-ups visited our room to celebrate with us!  We tried to stump them with parts of speech, and then we showed them how fast we can be at our math facts!  


Congratulations to Lindy, our Around the World Halloween Champion!

Thanks to all the parent volunteers, those who donated goodies for our party and all the helpers at home who helped show off our BUGS' creative side with fun costumes!  We hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!