Thursday, November 8, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:12 AM

Topic:  Tell a story about a problem and a solution

Once my friend Michael got in a problem because he didn’t follow what his mom said .by Larz

Once I  solved a problem by saying to my mom when me and my friend we had a problem  at her house  her doll was stuck . My sister and I got  in a problem she lost her favorit   staffer .  My brother he lost is favorit  shirt he was sad.  Jack  my  friend he lost his ghost toy  he was scared . By Lndy

Once I solved a problem by saying to my friend when me and her where fighting over something. I said to her that do you want to play tag with me. She said no I said why not. Well because I want to play frees tag. I said we need more players to play frees tag. I said  how  about school. She said I  like to play school. By Cheyenne


  1. Nice jop Cheynne and I love it.

  2. Cheynne a good jop on your writting and I love it so much and it is a good story.From Ryleigh.
