Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:28 AM

Topic:  Tell the special ways your family celebrates a holiday.

My  family   celebrates  thanks   giving.   I   do   alot   of   stof   on  thanksgiving    to   help   my   family.  I  stele  eat   the  trcy    on   the  table.  I   also   need   a   nacen.  I   also   eat  the  rice  on   thanks giving.  I   also celebrate  chrismis .  I  get   a   lot  of   stof   on   chrismis.    By    sam        

My   family    celebrates    Thanksgiving   .   I    do   it   drifent   than   Sams Holiday. -by Megan

My  family celebrates Chrisms difrent. I don’t  know if it said Dominick or Thomas on the post card. I don’t  know what my  presents are. I don’t know if it is a car are not. I do it in the morning when my family is up. By Dominick


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