Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:02 AM

November 20, 2012

Wow!  What an adventure!  Today I am in a second grade classroom in Paw Paw, MICHIGAN!  We are having such a fun morning together!  The kids started by writing in their journals (they were writing about making an invention for the playground!) then they did a spelling dictation sentence about Thanksgiving.  They wrote so neatly and carefully!  After they finished spelling, they went over the words, marking all the parts of speech and syllable types that they found.  Whew, these kids sure are smart! 

After spelling, the kids went to Gym where they ran around like crazy kids!  They had a quick snack after Gym and then went outside for recess.  It is about 40 degrees here today, so they put on their winter coats.  No snow yet, but they say it is coming this weekend!  Brrr!  

When the kids came back in from recess, they played a game called Apples to Apples.  It’s a cool game that helps them practice using adjectives with their nouns!  There was a lot of giggling and working in teams!

At 12:15, the kids headed home for the day.  They had a half day today for parent-teacher conferences.  They are on vacation for the rest of the week to celebrate Thanksgiving.  I can’t wait to have some turkey!

Until my next adventure,

Flat Stanley

North Fort Meyers, Florida


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