Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:09 PM

Topic:  Free Choice Write!

Today is free choice and do you know what that mean’s? At the end of the day we will be doing a lot of fun! when we do that at the end of the day we will stack the chairs. Probaly my dad will ride his motor bike when he gets home from work today. On Fridays we will get to play so much games with our friends. By krystiana   

My  mom  and  my  dad  have  a  pom  he  is  so  cute.  He   is    so soft   and   funny. He   is peach and he as a black strip on his back. His name is Bear his nick name is Carbear. When we first got him I named is nick name. When I get home from school he gums on me   . by  Kourtney



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