Friday, November 16, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:40 AM

Topic: Friday Free Choice Write!


Me and my dad like to work all day becus we want are Musels to be big all the time. Me and my mom like to hug all the time becus I love my mom. Me and my dad Like to make all the stuff that my mom wants all the time becus she is always Hungry. Me and my mom like to lay with my mom all the time becus I love My mom she is knice all the time. Me and my dad like to play ketch withThe football all the time becus we always becus we like to. By Trevor.


Today I am going to my Grandma home and that is going to be so much fun today.

 I like going to school because you do a lot math and you have so much fun.I love Miss Wilson she is so nice to us and she is good at math.  Today we are going to have so much fun today with Miss Wilson a lot.  That is my story today.  By Ryleigh.


Once I  played  with me teacher dog Eli. I  love  dog ,s her dog is the best dog ever .I sa the at   is the best dog I ever sol in my hoi  in tieriif .      by  Ethan

 I have too sister name Kaelee and Sarah and.I have too berather name is Dkodu and Matt. Me and Matt and me played hide and sec and he is fore yers old and it is owas   good. I played with my sister and we do flashcers and thay owas win so mach.        By Shayla





  1. Great blogs B.U.G.S. I enjoy reading what the class has to say every day. Keep up the good work and Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Why i like the bumblebees blog is because they have perfect handwriting and beautiful letters on the on all of them. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! love krystilove Miss Wilson
