Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:11 PM

Topic:  Write about your favorite holiday


My favorite   holiday is thakegiving  day  because  it rines   me . A Indeein  Teacher  I wished he wad  come a gen to teech  me sum mover hunting I like hunting . by jack


I like Crismiss becase you can get toys a lot of. I want a guy that has a forwheeler. So a Smers with a big town. I Crismess it has Santa. Even a ipod my brother broke min. but Santa can get me eney than els he wans. my brother wants a zombie cadey guts that you can eat. My sister wants a puppy I sede you cant get it Santa can not make a puppy.I want to snow today but Santa might not get me what I want. My baby sister I think my baby sister willnot get nothing. But I will leve him a note sun cookies he will wite us a note to us. My friend he said he will get a playstay three mabb he will mabb he wont.Santa is the best. He rocks. Everone rocks so dos babys. MY baby is so cute I love her. So dos my family by Payton.

I like Crismiss    beckause  we get  presents  it is my favorite  holaday  I like it we get toys  it  is fun to  play with the toys . I like playing and  making snow angles.I like going  on the forweeler we get to ride on the foor weeler it is fun. By Audrie

I  love  Thancs egiving   it   is  because  I  get  to  see  my   family .  I  also  like  the fun.  I   also  like  it  when  you  have  family  over. Maybe  you  could  set  games  up. - by Phoebe



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