Thursday, November 15, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:03 AM

Topic:  What are some special things you do to celebrate Thanksgiving?

What   are     some   things   you    do       for    Thanksgiving  ?   EASEY   I cook    than   I    invite    people   over. -By Hailey

I  celebrate Thanksgiving because we eat  turkey  and  we eat chicken for Thanksgiving. By Moises

 I go to my grandma’s house on thanksgiving. It is fun at my grandma’s house. I love thanksgiving. I play with my cusins on thanksgiving. We go to my mom’s mom. Which is my grandma. We eat turkey for thanks giving there. By Taylor

Sometimes I go to TJ Fridays and my dad says we will have turkey . We’ll will also have a side of gravy  and soup Chicken noodle  ! My family will be there to ! Also at my mom’s I go to my grandma’s and my grandpa will be there ! Also at my other grandma we will go to I hop and eat yummy pancakes . By-delaney


  1. when we were doing that at school I was having so much fun to me!!! If our teacher Miss Wilson did this you have doen this I know that you have been working so hard when you were writing this story or something.

  2. nice job bumble beez you blog a lot.
