Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:21 AM

Topic:  Tell how we communicate with other people.

Me and my friend Joey me and him can communicate he speks  different   aksens   . Me and my sister can communicate we talk  like her she has a funny  aksent  . Me and my Grampa Joey can communicate with me .  Me and  brother Geogony   can communicate together  . Me and my friend Aj  can communicate together . By  Lindy


We communicate  with other people because we share are ides with people. We can tell other people what we are thinking about. We can also communicate with other people by telling people if they want to play with them. If they want to play with them the prsen  that asked them and they said yes. So if you want to learn how to communicate ypu want to read this. By Cheyenne


   I    communicate    with  my   friend   out  on   the   play  ground.  I   some    times   communicate   with   my  brother  at   my  house.  I   play   with   communicateing   out   side  with  my  friends.  I  like  to  play  out  side  with  my  friends  to  play   with   me.  I   also  communicate   with  people   that  need   me  to  help  them. I   shuld   help  people  get  help  wen   they  need  me  to  help  them.  I  stile  help  people  that  need  me.   By   sam        

One day me and my friend wrote a note to eachother because we are very good to eachother. One day me and my friend were writing notes to eachother one day that Is my other best friend to each other all the time. One time me and my other best Friend wrote a note to each other because we are nice like that all the time. m And my other best friend wrote a note to each other because we want to Nice to every one always. By Trevor


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