Thursday, November 1, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:34 AM

Topic: Tell about a time when you solved an argument with someone.

     I solved a argument last night because I rilly want to go outside but it was to muddy to go outside.  My brother Josh was being mean to me yesterday and we got over with it.

     My friend Max was arguing about my other friend Roxy. They were arguing about they cant see out the window yesterday on Holloween. by Krystiana 

     A time when I solved  argument is when my twelve year old sister and my sixteen year old sister were fighting. My sister’s were fighting  over closes and shoes to. So my sixteen year old sister couldint’t fine know closes or shoes in her closet. Then she ask my twelve rear old sister Brittany and she go get yor own close. My sixteen year old sister said I don’t have none. And then Brittany said fine you can have some and that’s how you solve A argument. by Carlysha

(Teacher's Note: We are just starting to learn about how to use paragraphs to help the reader understand our stories.  Don't you love how these BUGS used paragraphs today to help their readers?  Great job, Ladybugs!)


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