Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:20 AM

Topic: Tell about a time when you shared something

One time I have shared my DSIXL it was fun some like so the next  year  it will be fun so this year I will show my  dog it will be fun you see it this year do you no? if you see it you will be amazd  by it  so much  don’t forget abunt  it. By Lindy

I shared my 3DS with my sister and my sister was nice to me. I was playing Call of Duty and it was fun. I shared my Xbox 360 and my sister was playing Halo Rech. By Noah.

Ones I shared my 3ds to my brother playing Mario party on it . On the game he was wario and he played and played intil he got to level 100 .By Larz

 Ones I shared my Ds with my cusin. He got to win til  level nine. I was happy that he got to win. I was proud of him and I think he was proud of him self  to. After that my friend played and she got to go to level ten. I  was proud of her. By Cheyenne

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:11 AM

Shayla started by brainstorming about her favorite animal on Monday. She made notes about what it looks like, what it eats, where it lives and why it is so special to her.  On Tuesday, she put her lists into sentences (and for the first time, paragraphs!) so her words became an interesting story to share with a reader!  On Wednesday, she will have a friend look her paper over and give her suggestions on what to fix in order to get the best possible score.  She'll make some changes and some additions.  Thursday, Shayla will make her final and best copy of her story, double checking the rubric before turning it in.  On Friday, she will have the opportunity to make an illustration for her story.  If she gets a perfect score, she'll have the chance to videotape her reading her story and posting the recording on our blog!  


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:10 AM

Can you do 100 addition problems in five minutes?  Trevor is trying to!  Go Trevor Go!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:06 AM

Lindy, Noah, Larz and Cheyenne (not pictured) were working on reading comprehension in our small guided reading group today.  They did a great job of relating the story to their own lives!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:04 AM

Topic: Write about a time when you argued with someone.

Once  I argued with my sister to jomp  at the lack .        by    Ethan

One time I saw my friend and I whanted to play with him but he agreyd and he did Not whant to play with me.One time I was at the park and I whanted to play we got In A argument whith my brother. By Trevor.

 I argued with my brother to play tag with him so we played tag. When  I argued with someone it was my friend we argued with playing with my dogs and cats so we did play with them and that was fun. When I  argued with my mom to  play with my bather so I  did that. That is my story when I argued with someone. By   Ryleigh.                                                                                                                                                                                         

I argued with my sistr to play tag awt side aftr dinr it was fan to play tag with my sistr awt side aftr dinr it is fan to play tag with my sistr owt side it was fan to play tag. By Nick

Monday, October 29, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:14 AM

topic: How can kids solve a disagreement?

How can kids solve a  disagreement ? Well if there was nine pieces of candy and one kid took two pieces it would be a disagreement . you could give every body two. – by Delaney

Kids can help by talking to the people that are having the disagreement. But you want to be nice. You don,t  want to be mean because you could hurt that peson,s feelings. People disagree a lot. It does not mean you are fighting. It means you are not agreeing. - By Taylor

My dad and my mom argue because I do something that I shoed not do.How can kids solve a disagreement ? Oh its hard because I can tell them not to argue ? By Moises

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:07 AM

Topic: Write about the ways you help out around your house

I   come    times   get   the   mail.   I   come   times   make   my    bed.  I   help  my   dad   with   the   bags.  I   am   good   at   cleaning .  I   like   to   clean .  I   some   times   get the  grudge.  I   give   the   toys   to   my   brother.  I   put   the  toys  in  a   crate.   By   sam

I help my dad clean the grudge. It was a mess in the place. I will help my mom when I go home. My  mom is a good cleaner now. I will help my brother clean his room. It is a mess. I will help my sister. By Dominick

I  help  my    mom  cook   .   I  will  help  my  brother   wash  the  Windos   it  was   by  megan.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:01 AM

Topic: Write about a time when you played on a team

I was on  a team with my frind jay jay to me jay jay was a team by my dad brother brayden my dad to my cazen was with my dad my cazen ben I was with my brother rylee omost  my dad is big he can pike up a loge I me and my frinds jay jay  my frind jessey and mahar thery nice I was playing with my frind jessey and marir I hade three teams my dad for teames my dad has a broken my mom was a aside it was base ball I hit far a way like my dad hit it far thery my frind I was nuber one my frind jj was nuber three my dad was nuber to my unclow ben was five by my dad is nice a lot to I love my family a lot so we will go to my gramilya  byPayton

I was on a base  ball  last  yeer.Thee yeer ago first  condles  .  Then I was . On beers then I was on the ball blasters . I  was the best hitter out  of  all the teems it was funof ever. By Jack.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:52 AM

Topic:Write about doing something nice for your family


I helped my family when we were eating at our house last night. What I did to help is I pasted out the napkins and the forks out. My mom Sarah is only 22,23 or 24 years old and she needed help so I did help her that one day. By Krysti 

What I did nice for my family is making them diner. There diner was a sandwich and  also some hot dogs to with a bun. Also we bake them roast marshmallows to that’s my favorite because sometimes we share the food to. That’s my mom’s food. For my dads food is beer lemons and also roast marshmallows to just like mommy’s food to. My sister that’s 4 years old dose it to but she takes long only because she’s 4 years old. I only do it faster because I’m 6 years old. What I also bake for my dad is some icecream to. One more thing that I bake for mom is icecream to. By Carlysha

Like making diner for my family will be nise. Like a chikinpopie . With pees and greenbeens and a side for the potpie Yum Yum but it is for my family .I will osow make thim a salit with rach and potatows and kerits. I cood osow read thim a book with family in it and brage thim my dog Bear. He will lik you to def .HiHiHiHihi. That is rely hard to do this becus I am 7 years old. Thin I will brage them disert like icecrem. My dad loves isecrem velne isecrem .My 2 mom loves shobery  icecrem. By kourtney

Monday, October 22, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:56 AM

Topic: What sports do you like to play?

I   like  to  play   football.  I    like   that   my   fiends  are   on   my   team.  I  get   to   run   the   ball.   My   dad  is  the  coch.  I   some   times  set  on   the   grass.   By  sam

I play soccer. I have scored  the first game I went to. I like to watch football with my stepmom and my dad. I play gymnastics I have played it for a wile I think this is my forth year. By Cheyenne

I  am  in  soccer .My  team   is  call  the  diraginflys  .  Our   color  sirt    is  cind  of   yellow  greenish  .Some  of  my  friends    are  on  my  team.It  is    fun.  by Phoebe

I like cherleding  I watch  it all the time I watch football all the time I love soccer I watch it all the time I love racing  I  watch it all the time. By Lindy 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:07 PM

The BUGS were shocked to see our classroom a mess on MondAY!  There were toys everywhere!  We spent our day searching for clues about who might have mAdE the mess and we found the /ae/ sound was everywhere!  He was in our hAIr, he was on the plAYground, he was on our reading pAgE, and he was even in some of our nAmEs!!  The BUGS were amAzing detectives, though, and found all EIGHt wAYs to write the /ae/ sound!  wAY to go BUGS!  Do you know all EIGHt wAYs to write the /ae/ sound?

Here's a short clip of the BUGS reading a poem about the visit from the /ae/ sound:

[wpvideo Ri6hFxxd]

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:06 PM

Four of our students got perfect scores on their Leaf Man stories this week!  They did a fantastic job of using prepositions to tell where their leaf man might go!  They had to use beautiful writing, capital letters, good punctuation, details, sequencing, and complete sentences to get a perfect score! Congratulations to Kourtney, Carlysha, Delaney and Cheyenne!  For doing such an amazing job, they got to make a short audio recording with a picture of their leaf man! [wpvideo 0edPjSMs]
[wpvideo 4yVmA9mU]
[wpvideo NzLR2DoB]
[wpvideo slDLmj6U]

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:17 PM


Sometimes it's much more fun to learn math with a friend than to listen to Miss Wilson!  We spent time with a partner today going through our new math problems and figuring out the answers together!  

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:16 PM

We added in 3's addition facts (and made the game a bit harder today!)  Payton and Lindy came out champions of Around the World today!  Man, they are fast!


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:13 PM

We all look forward to our class meetings on Friday afternoon!  We spend a little time talking about what we need to work on as a class, and we celebrate the good decisions the whole class made this week.  Students that returned their homework pages signed each day get a reward for responsibility and we love reading about how kids were bright, unique or generous at home, too!  We end each class meeting with "Give, Get or Pass", where each student has the opportunity to give or get a compliment (or they can pass if they prefer!)  The kids love sharing positives about each other and everyone gets a chance to shine and smile! 

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:27 AM


Before yesterday I got to rake up leaves and jump into the leaves. I love to do that at home its so fun doing that with my brother. My papa came to my house with my friend Roxy and I love her so much. Sum times I get to spend the night at her house. She is the best friend I ever HAD!!!! Today we get to have Free Choice!!! By krystiana

I  will   play   with  my  sister  Kourtney.   I  will  invite  her  to   my    party Today. By Megan

Today I am going to do free chose. I brut my skrafe book and my gust  bever dool.My frenid Cheyenne. She is a good frenid.She is going to play with me at free chose.She will proble git sum uther peple.Like Magin and Audrie. It will be a good day and we are going to libery to day to day will be a good day.- by  Kourtney  

To days a speshle day you know why because I get to go to my friends house TODAY! The best part is I get to see kittens!! I also get to go in a haunted house and I also get to see baby chicks to. The bestest bestest is that I get to go in a inside  swimming pool that’s really super cool. My friends name is Katie she is really nice to. I’m also coming back on Sunday and that’s NOT very long at all. It’s just a short time but I’m still happy though even know it’s a short time. I even get to go to a fancy restront to. I’s going to be the bets day EVER!! - by Carlysha

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:47 AM

Topic: Tell about a time when you were in danger (or write a story about being in danger). 

When I was in danger It was scary like a lien lwse in the sity by Nick.

Won I got on my bike Iwuse omost in danger but I. and I wus riding and my sis wus riding with my and I omos got cech. By shayla  

When I  was in danger I was at my grandmas I saw someone was in my home I was strade  when I saw he. `When I  was in danger I was at my moms home thar was a big  dogs in my moms home. When I was in danger I was at my dads  home thar was a big cat. By Ryleigh.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:47 PM


We played Around the World to practice our 0's, 1's and 2's math facts today (before we add in the threes next week) and Payton came out as today's champion! Congratulations, Payton!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:47 PM


After reading about how Calvin the raven didn't learn to fly because he was too busy reading, we all thought about what we never learned to do because we had our heads in books! The BUGS were so creative with their ideas!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:37 AM

When I walk in THE   class room it was mess safe my mom is brave my dad is brave math you is brath miss willsin is brathe my dad mom is both brath to I like them a lot by  payton

When  we walk in the class room it was  a mess there was sthufe on Are  dese .  We think it was the letter ae . – by Audrie

Wen  we  all  came  in   the class  room   IT  was   a mess ever wir  we all  piktup  in  heer .  It was a big  mess  man it   was it  .  But we  got it  all  cleen .by jack

Friday, October 12, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:45 AM


Me and  my mom an dad are going to go fishing after school today an I get picket up from home tomorrow from grandpa and I mite go swimming in the indoor swimming pool and I will play cards an go camping . An I will go to mcdonlds by larz.    

After school I am going to a foot ball game and I am so HAPPY with my grandma.  I hope I see free stuff. I will get a hot dog. By Noah

Me and my brother had  Arbys . I ate it in my living room. I will play cards. It is fun. I like cards.I shuffle cards all day. I will run fast. By Dominick

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:51 PM

Topic:  Are you strong?  How do you know?

I think I’m not strong because I don’t have muslse. My dad is stronger than me but I bet I  get stronger every day. I wish I was strong gust like my dad and I was older.- By Cheyenne.

I   no  I    am   strong .  I    can   be   so  strong .   and   I   can  peck   up   my   brother.  I    peck    up  boxes  to.  I    sleep  so  I   get   big.   - By Sam

I think I’m strong because I don’t  have any masle  do I no I have masle  do you no I have masle is my mom stronger than me I bête my mom be fore we fight to she fell to the grand so I win I was vetiry  it is mine  for ever I fell happy and thant I win.  -By Lindy

Yes  I  am  strong.  I  am strong  because  I   can  almost  nock  my  mom    down.  I  am  not  very  very    strong .  I  get  stronger  every day. – by  Phoebe

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:09 PM


The Paw Paw Fire Department came to visit us today!  They reminded us to check a door to see if it is hot before we go through it; to Stop!  Drop! and Roll! if our clothing catches on fire and to never EVER play with matches or lighters!  We got to go outside and see the firetrucks.  We even saw Fireman Josh climb the tall ladder, and we watched as he went high up into the sky!  Thank you Paw Paw Fire Department!  We promise to never go back inside a burning home to retrieve ANYTHING and to meet our families at a safe spot outside!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:04 AM

Topic: Write a story about something that was weak that becomes strong. 

I know something weak that becomes strong and that is me because when I was a baby I am weak because I can’t hold a pickle can. But when I grow up I can hold a pickle can now. If I was a baby I defintly couldin’t pick up a cat but now I can because I am a grown up now. If I also was a baby and I am weak I also couldin’t hold a can to. But now I can because I am a 6 year old. That’s how I know and now you know now. – by Carlysha

Me that is eze I am not strong. My dog thaks he is strong. I yose to have 4 dogs thay thak that thay are strong. i woot to git stronger.Sum bugs are strong. Sum bugs  are not strong.   – by Kourtney      

My brother Josh he was weak and he got stronger. I hope some day I will get stronger then him. My dog tank is stronger then me. By krystiana

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:38 AM

Topic:  How would you build a sturdy tree house?

I  would like to build a tree house and I would like to buy  wheels for his truck also the Wheels are so heavy to pick up the wheels . My dad is so strong  because he could pick up the wheels and my dad goes to work at the Honey Bear also he work at the Red Barn also he comes at seven o clock.    By Moises.

You need wood and nails. Next you find a tree. Than you put nails in the boards and make a tree house with the boards. Then you call your kid to play on it. Your kid will have fun. Your kid might ask you to come in the tree house to play! So you will andyou will have fun.  -By Taylor

How do you  build a sturdy tree house ?  I  know its easy you just get some wood and nails and find a big tree and you get started . Now if its your first time its kined  of hard . But if you have build one befor its easy . It will take like an hour . But when your done you get to go in it . In the Summer you can call your friends and play in the  tree house . You can bring some stuff in and then it wouldn,t  be so boring .  Its cool to build one !  by -Delaney

How do you build  a sturdy tree house ?Good queshtun  get a good sturdy  peaces of Wood .Then make the rouf  then the flour    that  is the whay you make a tree house  then you make a later  an  you  are  doun .Go play  in the house.-by Hailey

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:57 AM

Topic:  Who do you know that is strong?

I be an strong  Alex  an  I  like in an I  strong  Alex an I  Sam  in  strong . – by Alex

This boy is very strong he is in the fuetboll and  he is in kemazoo fuetboll  and he is nubre  ten.  – by Shayla

My dad is very  strong . My dad and me are strong .  – by Ethan

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:56 AM


Once  I went to the beach in play in I swim out deep  in it was fun. Once I went to arasona  in it was fun. – by Audrie

I wish I was a dirt bik rider and I wish four weler to and I wish I was A rock climer And I wish I was A monster truk rider and I wish I was A road worker.I wish I wish I was A asternot so I can see mars. – by Trevor

This weekin  I will  go sum  winer  slpelsher   I  have  NOT  ever been to  I   dot now  wirl  it  is so  speshier my dad  won. - by  Jack

It is fun to do math. I have a pug his name is jack. I  like to play games with my mom and dad. This week I will go to my grandma to day. I love my mom and my dad and my dogs.  My grandma is so much fun. - by ryleigh.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:17 AM

Nick and Noah had a great discussion about the word that Noah was working on.  Nick gave a great explanation, by way of reminder, to Noah, and Noah quickly agreed he was right and made the change in his word.  Great teamwork, boys!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:59 PM

Topic: Do we live in a desert?  How do you know?

No we do not live in a desert. A  snake will bite me. No rain and no wood. No fire and no Pepsi pop. No water. I will run fast I will go. I  will be scrary.  by Dominic

I don’t know  that I live in the desert some how I  live in  a town and its hot in the desert its so cool  wear we live its juts so hot in the desert I don’t wan ‘t  to live in the desert be because  there is snakes  are  scary me and freks me so bad . By Lindy

I know we don’t live in the desert because it is cool and in the desert it is hot in the desert. I know we don’t live in the desert because the desert  has sand and we have grasse.  by Cheyenne

I  do  not  wont   to  live  in  the  desert.  I   do  not  wont  to  live   with  a  rattlesnake.  I   do  not  wont  to  run   in  to  a  rock. – by Sam




Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:56 PM

Topic: What animals are in the desert?

In the desert I would try to find a Rode runner and I would see a kangaroo.

I would also see a Rattle snake and a red fox  - by Noah

In  the  desert  I  might  find  a  desert  fox.  You  might  also  see a  jackrabbit.  You might  see  a  rode runner  to.  I  might  even.I  might  see  a  rattlsnack.  I  might  see a  liserd.  I  might  see  askorpin. – by Phoebe

I MIGHT FIND CAMOLS .I might snaks. imight find lizder scwerpeens  bugs. acool stuf .snaping tertols.  vaey vaey hot in the desert .thays peope  .crepey stuf . thays a lot of dete . is fun. is cool at the desert.  babey snaks . cool anmolos. a litte babye stuf .kagross. bunes dere.  chedus . rode runner . radol snaks babye snaks. cool I thenk elfens. tigers.  funny anmols . pozen lizers.  wofes .  ows .  wode pekers . peope can sleep at the dezerbut its scarey.  it is not good they at ul. hoses.  fun anmols. – by Payton

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:12 AM

Our poor ladybugs.  They journalled wonderful writings yesterday, but before we could get them copied and posted on the blog, the power blipped in the building and we lost their amazing work!!  They agreed to blog again today and fortunately, the power stayed on!

Topic: Write a story about a cactus.

Around the cactus there is spines so animals don’t get the fruit from the cactus. There are some cactus that are vary, vary tall cactus in the deserts. All cactuses that are in the desert

have water inside them. All cactus are so sharp. By krystiana

What is a cactus ? A cactus is a plant it has poky thorns . the thorns protect it . In the desert thares  hardly any  water. In the cactus thares a tiny bit of water . Some cactuses  have flowers when the flower dies it makes fruit . It is vary , vary , hot in the desert . At night it cools down . Some animals that hibernate in theday comes out at night . – by Delaney