Friday, October 19, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:27 AM


Before yesterday I got to rake up leaves and jump into the leaves. I love to do that at home its so fun doing that with my brother. My papa came to my house with my friend Roxy and I love her so much. Sum times I get to spend the night at her house. She is the best friend I ever HAD!!!! Today we get to have Free Choice!!! By krystiana

I  will   play   with  my  sister  Kourtney.   I  will  invite  her  to   my    party Today. By Megan

Today I am going to do free chose. I brut my skrafe book and my gust  bever dool.My frenid Cheyenne. She is a good frenid.She is going to play with me at free chose.She will proble git sum uther peple.Like Magin and Audrie. It will be a good day and we are going to libery to day to day will be a good day.- by  Kourtney  

To days a speshle day you know why because I get to go to my friends house TODAY! The best part is I get to see kittens!! I also get to go in a haunted house and I also get to see baby chicks to. The bestest bestest is that I get to go in a inside  swimming pool that’s really super cool. My friends name is Katie she is really nice to. I’m also coming back on Sunday and that’s NOT very long at all. It’s just a short time but I’m still happy though even know it’s a short time. I even get to go to a fancy restront to. I’s going to be the bets day EVER!! - by Carlysha


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