Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:20 AM

Topic: Tell about a time when you shared something

One time I have shared my DSIXL it was fun some like so the next  year  it will be fun so this year I will show my  dog it will be fun you see it this year do you no? if you see it you will be amazd  by it  so much  don’t forget abunt  it. By Lindy

I shared my 3DS with my sister and my sister was nice to me. I was playing Call of Duty and it was fun. I shared my Xbox 360 and my sister was playing Halo Rech. By Noah.

Ones I shared my 3ds to my brother playing Mario party on it . On the game he was wario and he played and played intil he got to level 100 .By Larz

 Ones I shared my Ds with my cusin. He got to win til  level nine. I was happy that he got to win. I was proud of him and I think he was proud of him self  to. After that my friend played and she got to go to level ten. I  was proud of her. By Cheyenne


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