Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:38 AM

Topic:  How would you build a sturdy tree house?

I  would like to build a tree house and I would like to buy  wheels for his truck also the Wheels are so heavy to pick up the wheels . My dad is so strong  because he could pick up the wheels and my dad goes to work at the Honey Bear also he work at the Red Barn also he comes at seven o clock.    By Moises.

You need wood and nails. Next you find a tree. Than you put nails in the boards and make a tree house with the boards. Then you call your kid to play on it. Your kid will have fun. Your kid might ask you to come in the tree house to play! So you will andyou will have fun.  -By Taylor

How do you  build a sturdy tree house ?  I  know its easy you just get some wood and nails and find a big tree and you get started . Now if its your first time its kined  of hard . But if you have build one befor its easy . It will take like an hour . But when your done you get to go in it . In the Summer you can call your friends and play in the  tree house . You can bring some stuff in and then it wouldn,t  be so boring .  Its cool to build one !  by -Delaney

How do you build  a sturdy tree house ?Good queshtun  get a good sturdy  peaces of Wood .Then make the rouf  then the flour    that  is the whay you make a tree house  then you make a later  an  you  are  doun .Go play  in the house.-by Hailey

1 comment:

  1. I like all those ways to build a tree house . In fact they're all amazing ways to build a tree house !
