Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:52 AM

Topic:Write about doing something nice for your family


I helped my family when we were eating at our house last night. What I did to help is I pasted out the napkins and the forks out. My mom Sarah is only 22,23 or 24 years old and she needed help so I did help her that one day. By Krysti 

What I did nice for my family is making them diner. There diner was a sandwich and  also some hot dogs to with a bun. Also we bake them roast marshmallows to that’s my favorite because sometimes we share the food to. That’s my mom’s food. For my dads food is beer lemons and also roast marshmallows to just like mommy’s food to. My sister that’s 4 years old dose it to but she takes long only because she’s 4 years old. I only do it faster because I’m 6 years old. What I also bake for my dad is some icecream to. One more thing that I bake for mom is icecream to. By Carlysha

Like making diner for my family will be nise. Like a chikinpopie . With pees and greenbeens and a side for the potpie Yum Yum but it is for my family .I will osow make thim a salit with rach and potatows and kerits. I cood osow read thim a book with family in it and brage thim my dog Bear. He will lik you to def .HiHiHiHihi. That is rely hard to do this becus I am 7 years old. Thin I will brage them disert like icecrem. My dad loves isecrem velne isecrem .My 2 mom loves shobery  icecrem. By kourtney


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