Thursday, October 25, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:07 AM

Topic: Write about the ways you help out around your house

I   come    times   get   the   mail.   I   come   times   make   my    bed.  I   help  my   dad   with   the   bags.  I   am   good   at   cleaning .  I   like   to   clean .  I   some   times   get the  grudge.  I   give   the   toys   to   my   brother.  I   put   the  toys  in  a   crate.   By   sam

I help my dad clean the grudge. It was a mess in the place. I will help my mom when I go home. My  mom is a good cleaner now. I will help my brother clean his room. It is a mess. I will help my sister. By Dominick

I  help  my    mom  cook   .   I  will  help  my  brother   wash  the  Windos   it  was   by  megan.

1 comment:

  1. hi mrs.willson i miss you so much mrs.willson.
