Monday, October 22, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:56 AM

Topic: What sports do you like to play?

I   like  to  play   football.  I    like   that   my   fiends  are   on   my   team.  I  get   to   run   the   ball.   My   dad  is  the  coch.  I   some   times  set  on   the   grass.   By  sam

I play soccer. I have scored  the first game I went to. I like to watch football with my stepmom and my dad. I play gymnastics I have played it for a wile I think this is my forth year. By Cheyenne

I  am  in  soccer .My  team   is  call  the  diraginflys  .  Our   color  sirt    is  cind  of   yellow  greenish  .Some  of  my  friends    are  on  my  team.It  is    fun.  by Phoebe

I like cherleding  I watch  it all the time I watch football all the time I love soccer I watch it all the time I love racing  I  watch it all the time. By Lindy 


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