Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:04 AM

Topic: Write about a time when you argued with someone.

Once  I argued with my sister to jomp  at the lack .        by    Ethan

One time I saw my friend and I whanted to play with him but he agreyd and he did Not whant to play with me.One time I was at the park and I whanted to play we got In A argument whith my brother. By Trevor.

 I argued with my brother to play tag with him so we played tag. When  I argued with someone it was my friend we argued with playing with my dogs and cats so we did play with them and that was fun. When I  argued with my mom to  play with my bather so I  did that. That is my story when I argued with someone. By   Ryleigh.                                                                                                                                                                                         

I argued with my sistr to play tag awt side aftr dinr it was fan to play tag with my sistr awt side aftr dinr it is fan to play tag with my sistr owt side it was fan to play tag. By Nick


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