Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:09 PM


The Paw Paw Fire Department came to visit us today!  They reminded us to check a door to see if it is hot before we go through it; to Stop!  Drop! and Roll! if our clothing catches on fire and to never EVER play with matches or lighters!  We got to go outside and see the firetrucks.  We even saw Fireman Josh climb the tall ladder, and we watched as he went high up into the sky!  Thank you Paw Paw Fire Department!  We promise to never go back inside a burning home to retrieve ANYTHING and to meet our families at a safe spot outside!


  1. What a great experience. I know it will have a lasting impact on the kids!

  2. We are awesume bugs! We look good!

  3. katie. hi carlysha i like your writing

  4. hi carlysha i like your writing
