Thursday, October 4, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:59 PM

Topic: Do we live in a desert?  How do you know?

No we do not live in a desert. A  snake will bite me. No rain and no wood. No fire and no Pepsi pop. No water. I will run fast I will go. I  will be scrary.  by Dominic

I don’t know  that I live in the desert some how I  live in  a town and its hot in the desert its so cool  wear we live its juts so hot in the desert I don’t wan ‘t  to live in the desert be because  there is snakes  are  scary me and freks me so bad . By Lindy

I know we don’t live in the desert because it is cool and in the desert it is hot in the desert. I know we don’t live in the desert because the desert  has sand and we have grasse.  by Cheyenne

I  do  not  wont   to  live  in  the  desert.  I   do  not  wont  to  live   with  a  rattlesnake.  I   do  not  wont  to  run   in  to  a  rock. – by Sam





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