Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:01 AM

Topic: Write about a time when you played on a team

I was on  a team with my frind jay jay to me jay jay was a team by my dad brother brayden my dad to my cazen was with my dad my cazen ben I was with my brother rylee omost  my dad is big he can pike up a loge I me and my frinds jay jay  my frind jessey and mahar thery nice I was playing with my frind jessey and marir I hade three teams my dad for teames my dad has a broken my mom was a aside it was base ball I hit far a way like my dad hit it far thery my frind I was nuber one my frind jj was nuber three my dad was nuber to my unclow ben was five by my dad is nice a lot to I love my family a lot so we will go to my gramilya  byPayton

I was on a base  ball  last  yeer.Thee yeer ago first  condles  .  Then I was . On beers then I was on the ball blasters . I  was the best hitter out  of  all the teems it was funof ever. By Jack.


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