Monday, October 29, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:14 AM

topic: How can kids solve a disagreement?

How can kids solve a  disagreement ? Well if there was nine pieces of candy and one kid took two pieces it would be a disagreement . you could give every body two. – by Delaney

Kids can help by talking to the people that are having the disagreement. But you want to be nice. You don,t  want to be mean because you could hurt that peson,s feelings. People disagree a lot. It does not mean you are fighting. It means you are not agreeing. - By Taylor

My dad and my mom argue because I do something that I shoed not do.How can kids solve a disagreement ? Oh its hard because I can tell them not to argue ? By Moises

1 comment:

  1. i am taylor's grandpa and i love her writing.
