Friday, October 19, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:07 PM

The BUGS were shocked to see our classroom a mess on MondAY!  There were toys everywhere!  We spent our day searching for clues about who might have mAdE the mess and we found the /ae/ sound was everywhere!  He was in our hAIr, he was on the plAYground, he was on our reading pAgE, and he was even in some of our nAmEs!!  The BUGS were amAzing detectives, though, and found all EIGHt wAYs to write the /ae/ sound!  wAY to go BUGS!  Do you know all EIGHt wAYs to write the /ae/ sound?

Here's a short clip of the BUGS reading a poem about the visit from the /ae/ sound:

[wpvideo Ri6hFxxd]


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