Thursday, October 11, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:51 PM

Topic:  Are you strong?  How do you know?

I think I’m not strong because I don’t have muslse. My dad is stronger than me but I bet I  get stronger every day. I wish I was strong gust like my dad and I was older.- By Cheyenne.

I   no  I    am   strong .  I    can   be   so  strong .   and   I   can  peck   up   my   brother.  I    peck    up  boxes  to.  I    sleep  so  I   get   big.   - By Sam

I think I’m strong because I don’t  have any masle  do I no I have masle  do you no I have masle is my mom stronger than me I bête my mom be fore we fight to she fell to the grand so I win I was vetiry  it is mine  for ever I fell happy and thant I win.  -By Lindy

Yes  I  am  strong.  I  am strong  because  I   can  almost  nock  my  mom    down.  I  am  not  very  very    strong .  I  get  stronger  every day. – by  Phoebe

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